Norwood Associates, LLC Government Relations

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California’s Legislature considers about 6,000 proposed new laws each biennial legislative session. Each bill holds the potential to significantly impact California businesses and to ignite nationwide trends. Every company or association needs a strategic ally in Sacramento, a trusted partner to protect its method of conducting business. Whether a company or association needs simply a monitoring service or the full scope of services, Norwood Associates, LLC will tailor a program to meet its specific needs.

Legislative Monitoring

Norwood Associates, LLC is constantly monitoring all new bill introductions and amendments for clients concerned about issues in the California Legislature. It is often critical the client receive early notices and insights about proposed legislation and the activities of other organizations that may affect the client’s business interests in California. Norwood Associates, LLC gathers this information from introductions as well as key contacts in the State Capitol and immediately passes on this information to its clients. Norwood Associates, LLC can tailor a monitoring program to fit a client’s legislative and/or regulatory needs.

Pro-Active Strategy & Program Management

Government advocacy is a multi-faceted, complex business. Much of the success of a pro-active program is determining the best approach regarding the issue. A successful strategy is forged through the assessment of various factors namely political environment, political action budgets, message development, potential coalition-building, grassroots efforts, public relations, and more. Pro-active program management may include, but is not limited to, legislative bill drafting, designation of an author, preparation of lobbying materials, meetings with State Legislators and key legislative staff, and advocacy efforts with the Administration and/or regulatory agencies. Whether a pro-active or defensive strategy, Norwood Associates, LLC will coordinate with its clients to develop and prioritize steps designed to successfully accomplish their legislative goals and objectives.

Direct Lobbying

Term limits have drastically changed lobbying in California. About 25% of the 40 State Senators and 80 Assemblymembers are new, every two years. Norwood Associates, LLC prides itself on its ability to form and maintain lasting personal, professional, and political relationships with all 120 members on both sides of the political aisle. The firm’s advocates know how to take complex issues – such as finance, insurance, manufacturing, and retail – and produce a clear, compelling case for its clients. With term limits and high turnover among legislators and staff, the ability to communicate the correct information to the right people at the proper time is essential to a client’s success.

Client Communication

The relationships Norwood Associates, LLC fosters and grows with each member of the State Legislature and their staff enables the firm to obtain advance notices and insights as legislation moves through the Capitol. With experienced and trusted lobbyists, the firm is able to navigate the activities of other interests in the legislative and regulatory processes. As a full-service firm, Norwood Associates, LLC provides its clients with daily press clips of interest and a weekly newsletter, This Week in Sacramento, which provides a summary of current political and legislative events. Daily, weekly and monthly reports are provided by Norwood Associates, LLC to meet a client’s specific needs.


Norwood Associates, LLC knows how to assist clients with the coordination and implementation of an effective grassroots program. In the days of term limits, some of the most effective messaging and lobbying emanates from constituents of the legislators. Norwood Associates, LLC will develop a program to fit a business’s or association’s needs. Programs may include scheduling in-district meetings, providing guidance and sample materials for letter-writing campaigns, and the organization of a Sacramento advocacy day.

California Fair Political Practices Commission Reports

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) was created by the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Act), a ballot initiative passed by California voters in 1974 as Proposition 9. The FPPC regulates campaign financing and spending, financial conflicts of interest, lobbyist registration and reporting, post-governmental employment, mass mailings at public expense, and gifts and honoraria given to public officials and candidates. Norwood Associates, LLC assists its clients in the proper filing of reports and campaign spending.